

Unless otherwise noted these churches are in Saint Louis and in the state of Missouri.


  1. Mark,

    Just found your site, and was happy to see you listed our Eparchy's homepage (Parma). What I didn't see in your list was our local parish! We are the St. Louis Byzantine Catholic Mission ( and we meet at the Blessed John XXIII Center on Morganford Rd. I'd like to invite you to visit our parish any time.


  2. You have left out St. Ann's of Normandy, the church built on land donated by Anne Lucas Hunt who was instrumental in St. Louis becoming known as "The Rome of the West". She donated land(s) valued in the 1850's as "Millions" to various Catholic clerical orders that would today easily exceed a Billion dollars.
    St. Ann was her home parish and she is much ignored by the historians of the Archdiocese in the present day non-recognition of early Catholic benefactors.

    1. Bill, I’ve left out *most* of the churches in the Archdiocese! I hardly ever travel for pleasure or edification anymore, and so many cares and worries have kept me from this pilgrimage in the past several years.

      You might want to look up my postings on Normandy, Missouri, the “Little Rome of the West”, which includes some photos of St. Ann’s as well as mention of the Lucas-Hunts.

  3. Hi Mark,

    I'm a member of St. Margaret of Scotland. I think you should come back for a visit, if you can. It was renovated in 2013 and the results are terrific. We have a new icon and a new niche with the Pieta that was dedicated by Bishop Rice this past fall.


  4. I just stumbled upon this by accident myself, as I was trying to enter a search to find my own church blog. Glad to see this one.

  5. Hi Mark,
    Have you ever been able to document St. Bridget of Erin church in North city? It's a travesty to see it demolished without preservation review in that ward. At least there seems to be a growing opposition to this sort of destruction locally.
