CHRISTMAS IN ST. LOUIS is a new book from Reedy Press, with text by Dr. John Oldani, and photography by me!

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Both Dr. Oldani and myself are available for speaking engagements and interviews. Keep up-to-date by liking the book’s page on Facebook.
ST. LOUIS, MO — Christmas in St. Louis is a special time in a special place. As you’ll discover in the pages of this festive pictorial book, the Gateway City goes all-out to celebrate the season. Folklorist and professor Dr. John L. Oldani and photographer Mark S. Abeln have created a living album of Christmas wonders in Christmas in St. Louis: Traditions, Displays, and Celebrations (Reedy Press). Learn how traditions developed and shifted throughout the decades, from the iconic and nostalgic downtown department store windows to the millions of light displays all over the metro region. Along the way, the book captures the international flavor of Christmas in Main Street St. Charles, the remarkable residential displays of St. Louis Hills, the one million lights of Tilles Park, the dazzling, mile-and-a-half drive at Our Lady of the Snows, and myriad other traditions that have come to define a St. Louis Christmas.
Dr. John L. Oldani, a St. Louis native, has been a professor of American Studies and folklore at American and international universities. He has authored five books on American folklore. Mark S. Abeln has been taking photography seriously since 2005. His work has appeared in numerous books on St. Louis.
Christmas in St. Louis is available wherever books are sold.
Christmas in St. Louis: Traditions, Displays, and Celebrations
by John Oldani, photography by Mark S. Abeln, ISBN: 9781935806530, hardcover 11 x 8.5, 144 pages, $32.95
Contact: Don Korte (314) 644-3400,
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