WINTER IS MILD this season, and so flowers are blooming outdoors at the Missouri Botanical Garden in Saint Louis, Missouri, popularly known as Shaw's Garden. Several species are blooming several weeks early.

Crocus is a reliable early bloomer, but no daffodils are yet seen.

These berries were hidden under foliage.

I took these photos with a macro lens, made over 40 years ago. These can be found for a bargain price. The ability to get up close with a camera is rather nice, although I would have liked to have used a tripod on a number of these photos — you may notice that very little of each flower is in focus.

A squirrel's eye view. When I was lying flat on my stomach taking pictures, someone stopped me and asked if I was OK! Then they saw the camera and laughed.

Close up of a hybrid hellebore, a genre of flower that includes the Christmas Rose and the Lenten Rose. Natives of Eurasia, these are very early blooming plants as their common name suggests.
The garden also has a number of greenhouses, where blooms can be found year around:

A camellia.

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