| May 13, 2011
Dear Faithful and Friends of Saint Francis de Sales Oratory,
“I am the bread of life. He that comes to me shall not hunger, and he that believes in me shall never thirst.” (St. John 6:35)
On Good Shepherd Sunday, thirteen children from the Oratory received for the first time the Body of Our Blessed Lord. This was a joyous occasion for the seven girls and six boys who were tended by the true Shepherd through the sacrament of Holy Eucharist which He instituted on Holy Thursday. It was a joyous occasion, too, for their parents and siblings who witnessed this great milestone in the lives of Catholic children. It is a moment when all Catholics may renew their devotion to Our Eucharistic Lord, who laid down His Life for us on the Cross and who provides the spiritual sustenance which enables our souls to be strengthened and grow in love for God and neighbor.


The Institute of Christ the King is happy to return to beautiful Mount Saint Joseph for the second annual Music Camp, August 7th-12th, 2011. Nestled among the rolling hills of Maple Mount, Kentucky, the Ursuline Motherhouse provides an ideal setting for our weeklong camp. The generously hospitable facilities include air-conditioned classrooms, spacious dining hall and rehearsal rooms as well as ample outdoor areas, ideal for supervised recreational activities.
At the music camp, choristers are immersed in daily music making with their peers. The campers attend classes in Latin, Gregorian Chant, Music Theory, and Vocal Technique as well as daily mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. This year we are pleased to announce a string section for those campers who play Violin, Viola, Cello or Bass.
This year’s faculty include: Canon Aaron Huberfeld, Mr. Kevin Allen, Mr. Joe Reidy, and Mr. Nick Botkins.
Registration is now open for children ages 9-16, please contact the rectory at 314-771-3100 for more details.
Please note that the Girls Dormitory is full. There are 9 spots available for boys.
Please note: There will be a Second Collection for the St. Philip Neri
Seminary this Sunday, May 15 at both Masses.
Altar of Repose at our SeminaryA few years ago, after a visit to the St. Philip Neri Seminary, Mr. and Mrs. Henricksson, from the Oakland apostolate, developed the idea of a ‘Seminary Society of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest’. This idea proved to be beneficial also in other apostolates.
The Seminary Society in St. Louis was established one year ago and has already raised awareness and interest in the formation of our seminarians by assisting the seminary on a spiritual and material level. Seminarian after seminarian has said how much they appreciate, desire and need the prayers of the faithful and that they are deeply humbled to know that people, that they don’t know (yet), are willing to make sacrifices for them collectively and individually. Thus the Seminary Society has helped to foster a close bond between the seminary and St. Francis de Sales Oratory.
We already have 72 prayer sponsors praying for 64 seminarians. The Society is open to all of the faithful and is comprised of families, singles, retirees and young children, all of whom have spiritually ‘adopted’ a seminarian. Most of our members attend the Oratory but we also have several members who live out of town. The Seminary Society holds two major functions during the year: at the Feast of Christ the King, and around Good Shepherd Sunday.
Last October, we held our 1st Annul Seminary Society Breakfast, during which Canon Huberfeld gave a wonderful slide presentation describing seminary life. The breakfast raised over $1000.00 for the Seminary. The St. Francis de Sales Oratory Grade School and High School Co-Op each adopted a seminarian this past year and recently had a contest to see which group could raise the most money for the seminary...the High School won! The Seminary Society’s first semi-annual newsletter will be available this coming Sunday, May 15th. Inside the Spring 2011 edition you will find articles from Canon Apple, Abbè Todd, Abbè Coggeshall and Abbè O’Connor about various aspects of seminary life and you will also discover which seminarian will be coming to St. Louis this summer.
For more information on becoming a member of the Seminary Society and helping support our future priests at St. Philip Neri Seminary in Gricigliano, please contact St. Francis de Sales Oratory at 314.771.3100 or sfds@institute-christ-king.org.
- Mrs.Mary Hayworth, Seminary Society St. Louis

On Sunday, May 22nd church composer Kevin Allen will visit the Oratory to conduct his newly composed Missa Rex Splendens. This new composition is sung by the Oratory Choir with organ accompaniment. The Mass is based on the Gregorian Chant Mass VII of the same name.
Kevin Allen is highly regarded as a composer of opera, chamber and orchestral music. Mr. Allen has also developed a unique reputation as a composer of church music for the Roman Rite. His works, sacred and secular, have been performed in churches and concert halls throughout the United States and Europe. Mr. Allen will be the featured guest on EWTN Live, Wednesday May 25th at 8:00 PM ET / 7:00 CT
With the assurance of my prayers in the Risen King, Canon Michael K. Wiener
Rector, St. Francis de Sales Oratory |
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