
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, in Saint Meinrad, Indiana, USA - exterior of church

Saint Meinrad Archabbey, located in southern Indiana. I made a brief visit to this Benedictine monastery yesterday.


  1. Welcome to Indiana! I have a few friends who attended St. Meinrad briefly in search of a possible vocation. Oddly both are now bankers???
    Known as the home of Abbey Press, it is also home of Abbey Caskets, beautiful wooden caskets built under the direction of the monks. Did you have a chance to stop in Jasper? There are some beautiful Catholic Churches there as well.

  2. But you weren't brave enough to post pictures of the inside? Probably just as was really wreck-o-vated!

    That said, I hope it "comes back"; it's easy to see (from the outside) the devotion of the founders.

  3. Kestral,

    Thank you very much! I had a delightful time. The part of Indiana I went through had a significantly different look than even neighboring Illinois. I was amazed to see a new (for me) species of wildflowers growing profusely along the highway. Too bad I was only able to visit a few hours. Alas, I lack the financial ability to likely visit again any time soon, but now I no longer can claim any ignorance about what may be found there.


    I did take a number of photos inside, and hope to post them here soon. Although the renovations are not to my taste, certainly I am willing to give the good monks the benefit of the doubt.
