These photos were taken on March 6th.

Saint Joseph is part of the merged Blessed Trinity Parish, which also includes Saint Mary in Brussels and Saint Barbara in Batchtown. According to the 2009 Diocesan directory, the parish has approximately 1097 Catholics in 433 families.

A closer look at the sanctuary.

Driving north from Brussels, is this view of the village of Meppen, situated in a hollow between tall bluffs, in the valley of the Illinois River.
Calhoun County, unlike most of the State of Illinois, was not glaciated, and so it retains a rugged character as seen here. The county was organized in 1825, and for the first 50 years of its existence, the main industry here was lumber. Timber is still plentiful, although peach and apple orchards now predominate.

According to this history, the stone church dates from 1854.

Saint Joseph is part of the merged Blessed Trinity Parish, which also includes Saint Mary in Brussels and Saint Barbara in Batchtown. According to the 2009 Diocesan directory, the parish has approximately 1097 Catholics in 433 families.

A closer look at the sanctuary.

Tabernacle and crucifix, behind the altar.

Baptismal font and Paschal candle.

IXth Station of the Cross: Jesus Falls the Third Time.

Attractive stained glass window.

Zur ehre [to honor] St. Franciscus von Assisi.
German was the language of this village and church until 1918. According to this article, surnames found in the area include Siemers, Kiel, Sievers, Hillen, Brinkman, Bonner, Droege, Bloom, Moenning, Schleeper and Kronable.
The village of Meppen is named after the town of Meppen in the Emsland district of Lower Saxony, Germany. It was settled by immigrants from that region at least as early as 1848.
Pipe organ in choir loft.
Over the front door is this window of Saint Joseph, foster-father of Jesus.
Click here for older photos of the church.
This is one you should not miss. It is beautifully located in Calhoun County Il. in a wonderful rural setting near the Mississippi river. It is charming and has much to see. It was open when I stopped by and it was a good time for some quiet reflection. Close to the church is a beautiful little parish cemetery filled with the early german settlers to the area of Meppen