Procedamus in pace
Let us go forth in peace

Occurrunt turbae cum floribus et palmis Redemptori obviam
The multitude goeth forth to meet our Redeemer with flowers and palms
The multitude goeth forth to meet our Redeemer with flowers and palms
Cum Angelis et pueris fideles inveniamur
Let the faithful join with the Angels and children
Gloria, laus, et honor tibi sit, Rex Christe Redemptor
Glory, praise, and honor to Thee, O Christ King, the Redeemer
I am so jealous - no tennis shoes on the servers, no shorts, an outdoor procession! Sometimes I dearly miss my hometown. We here in Cinci are trying - but even a great Bishop like our beloved Roger Foys can only do so much. Thank you so much for all the work you put into this blog - I can not begin to convey to you what a blessing it is to me and my family. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteMark, I also want to thank you for this blog, you and I have not always agreed but I check this site everyday!! As I look back at the pictures of St.Josephs in Bonne Terre, I can hear that organ playing Christ the Lord Has Risen Today! I wish I could be there for Easter!
ReplyDeleteThese pictures are wonderful, thank you! Now I can share with the folks out home!
ReplyDeleteThese photos are wonderful! Thank you for sharing them. It was just beautiful!