Click for schedule of the Novena to the Immaculate Conception, starting tonight:

Other future events:
Saturday, December 8, Solemn Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Holy Day of Obligation
8am, 12:10pm Low Mass with organ, and 7pm Solemn High Mass
Wednesday, December 12, Solemn Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
8am, 12:noon Low Mass with organ, and 7pm Solemn High Mass
Tuesday, December 25, Nativity of the Lord, Christmas
(Dec. 24) 12am-Midnight Mass
8am, Missa in Gallicantu
10am, Solemn High Mass
Monday, December 31, Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
5pm, Te Deum in Thanksgiving for the last year, Benediction.
The faithful attending this devotion may receive a plenary indulgence under the ordinary conditions.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008, Holy Day of Obligation
8am, Low Mass w/organ; 10am, Solemn High Mass; 5pm Low Mass w/organ
At the beginning of all Masses today the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus is sung to invoke the guidance of the Holy Ghost for the New Year. The faithful attending this devotion may receive a plenary indulgence under the ordinary conditions.
Saturday, January 5, Vigil of the Epiphany
5pm Blessing of Epiphany Water
Sunday, January 6, Feast of the Epiphany
10am Solemn High Mass
2pm St. Cecilia choir, recital, FREE admission
Sunday, January 27, External Solemnity of the Feast of St. Francis de Sales
Patron of the Oratory and of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
8am, Low Mass; 10am Solemn High Mass
The faithful attending the Masses and devotions to St. Francis de Sales may receive a plenary indulgence under the ordinary conditions.
Ordinary schedule of Masses at the Oratory:
Daily: 8:00am Low Mass
Sunday: 8:00am Low Mass, 10:00 Solemn High Mass
Tuesday: 6:30pm Low Mass, followed by Perpetual Help devotions
Wednesday: 8am; 12:00 NOON, Low Mass
Thursday: 7:00pm Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament with Benediction
First Friday: 7:00pm Solemn High Mass
Holy Days: 8:00am, and 12:10pm, 7:00pm Solemn High Mass
Confessions/ Holy Rosary 30mins before all Masses
A note from Father Lenhardt, Rector of the Oratory:
We are very happy that this encouragement also finds its expression in the activities of many faithful and groups at the Oratory. Therefore, I am sending to you this email as an invitation to take part in this vitality of the Oratory:
Regarding the restoration of the foundation of the steeple, we are still working on preliminary studies and evaluating the possible methods to address the problem. This also costs money and we are most grateful for the generous support we experience.
You can help our Oratory by supporting.
Escrip at your local Schnucks (ID: 164503069)
Escrip at Macy's Department store (ID: 164503069)
Regular Envelopes-General Fund, ordinary operation of the Oratory.
Restoration Fund (not an endowment) all funds used exclusively for the immediate needs of the continued restoration of the Oratory.
Preservation Fund (endowment set up by the former parish for the preservation of the church. As it is an endowment only the interest can be used.)
Joining and praying with us at the Mother of Perpetual Help altar every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm.
All donations to the Oratory are Tax deductible!
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