Here are two older photos of the church. The following photos were taken on October 14th, 2007, during the parish's fall festival.

This church was dedicated in 1913, and has undergone extensive renovation within the past year. A visitor told me that the statuary seen here was lately obtained from Transfiguration Parish in Florissant, Missouri, which closed in 2005.

On a pillar next to the presider's chair is a Sacramentary, which contains the parts of the Mass said by the priest.

Colorful red berries decorate the altar.

Jesus is taken down from the cross.

Windows in this church are simple — but not ordinary.

Stained glass on the main door.


Mass times:
1st 3rd & 5th Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM
1107 Summit Drive
Catawissa, Missouri 63015
What a wonderful Church...!