
Monday, March 05, 2007

Traditional Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis, in Saint Louis, Missouri - interior of main domeInterior of the main dome of the Cathedral.

THIS WEDNESDAY, March 7th, is the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas according to the old Catholic calendar. The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest will celebrate the traditional Roman Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis at 7:00 p.m. This is likely to be the first traditional latin Mass held at the Cathedral in decades, but it won't be last, since on June 15th, Archbishop Burke will ordain two new priests of the Institute here.

It is fitting that such a beautiful liturgy should be offered in this beautiful church.

Some of my readers have suggested meeting before the Mass: we'll be at All Saints Chapel, located in the left side of the nave, in the back. I'll be the guy with the camera.

Saint Thomas is co-patron of the Institute, and a plenary indulgence is offered under the normal conditions both at the 7:00 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral and at the 8:00 a.m. Mass at Saint Francis de Sales Oratory.

A great bibliography of the works of Saint Thomas translated into English, with plenty of web links, is available here.


  1. Mark, because you posted some pics at my previous post on this Mass, I included one on my reminder post at my blog. If this is not ok, let me know and I will remove it.

    God bless.

  2. Timman:

    It is OK with me. You picked a particularly nice photo, too.

  3. Dude, all of your photos are good, and most are very, very good.


  4. Thank you very much. Credit, though, goes to the Archdiocese, religious orders, and parishes who commissioned these churches in the first place, to the artists and architects who designed them, and to those who preserved and maintained them down to our very day. I hope also that these photos can encourage present-day artists, architects, and those who commission churches, to consider the restoration of Catholic art. Ultimately, beauty is an attribute of God, and from Him all beauty comes.

  5. I didn't read this post until after I got home from the High Mass. I'm looking foward to your photos. It was an excellent Mass, I'm sure you'd agree. Though I usually attend the modern rite Mass at the Cathedral and so am used to the art/architecture/music, it was interesting to sense the difference of the classic rite in the same environment.

  6. Tonight was the third time this week I was at the Cathedral. The church, and tonight's Mass, were both magnificent.
