The church has a prominent site, and can be seen for quite a distance. The church was originally called Holy Cross; it recently merged with the now-closed Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and so got its current name. This parish was founded in 1864, during the Civil War.
The tour of the church was led by the Very Rev. Mark Ullrich, V.F., who is a dynamic and interesting speaker. Too bad we had to leave the church so soon.

The tall and elaborate spire.

This is actually quite a small church in terms of seating capacity, but its verticality is tremendous.

Another unusual part of the church design is the tall windows, and the exceptionally high ratio of window area to wall area, which made it structurally difficult to build.

A closer view of the high altar.

Choir stall in sanctuary: there is a similar one on the other side.

A better image of one of the stained glass windows. This shows the Wedding at Cana.

A station of the cross: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.
A large crowd of people followed Jesus, including many women who mourned and lamented him. Jesus turned to them and said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep instead for yourselves and for your children, for indeed, the days are coming when people will say, 'Blessed are the barren, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed.' At that time people will say to the mountains, 'Fall upon us!' and to the hills, 'Cover us!'

REGINA PACIS - Queen of Peace
RADIX JESSE - Root of Jesse
This triptych is one of several in the church. The side-panels represent patron saints of former pastors of the parish, while inscribed here are the names of parishoners who served in World War II. Upon the altar is a Book of Remembrance, and a reliquary.
This triptych has two sets of doors, which can be opened and closed depending on season.

Relic of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Also click this link to see the mystery object that resides in this church

Processional crucifix.


Altar of Saint Joseph.

Triptych of the Eucharistic miracle of Walldürn in Baden.

Paintings and relics of Saints Maria Goretti, Pope Pius X, and Rose Philippine Duchesne.
8115 Church Road
Baden, Missouri 63147
Although an integral part of the City, Baden retains its name for its post office.
Mass times:
Monday-Saturday, 8:00 a.m.
Saturday Vigil, 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
First Sunday of the Month: one Mass at 10:00 a.m.
Holy Days of obligation, 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 4:00 to 4:45 p.m.
Before Mass on Sunday and by special request.
Eucharistic adoration:
Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. - Noon
I believe that this parish was the longtime home of the famed schola of Msgr. Martin Hellriegel, the composer of various liturgical hymns including, "To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King"-- a song most appropriate in a city named for the saintly king, celebrating the social kingship of Christ so often forgotten today.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are correct that Holy Cross was the home for decades of Msgr. Martin B. Hellriegel. He was deeply loved by his people.
ReplyDeleteCheck out this post over at The American Catholic, which says that "Sovereign King" was composed by Msgr. Hellriegel in 1941 as a refutation of the pernicious concept of "Reich" or "kingdom" then being advanced by Nazi Germany:
What a stunning beauty this one is. The inside is as beautiful as the outside. It has soaring gothic architecture and some magnificent 'Munich style'windows from the Emil Frei Co. of St. Louis. Although some changes have occurred because of liturgical changes much of the furnishings are original. After you visit why not travel the short distance to Calvary cemetery. The steeple of this church is a prominent feature as you look across the cemetery. Please visit and support this parish. So many Catholics have moved from the Baden area and it would be a tragedy if this were to close
DeleteMy German grandmother Margaret Marquart (who raised my Dad and 12 siblings on a truck farm after my Grandfather passed away in 1934) was a Mass regular at Holy Cross and a close friend of Msgr. Hellriegel, who for many years celebrated her birthday at breakfast with Msgr. in the rectory. I was born in 1935 and my Dad sent me from Kentucky back to Missouri to spend the summer with my aunts and uncles on her farm. My grandmother went to Walldurn, Germany with Msgr. Hellriegel on a pilgrimage and her family was from Grunsfeld, Germany, where I visited with my German Friend Horst Treichel, and we had a family reunion in St. Louis with her German family members in attendance. There are many offspring in St. Louis and many descendants from my grandmother, with such names as Schnettgoecke, Keevan, Farace, Kuehler, Portwood, Seubert, Sander, Koester, Weckenmann, Push, Kirback, Edwards, Tarman and so many others too numerous to mention. Holy Cross Church is a beautiful place, and will forever remain in the memories of many of us.
ReplyDeleteI remember some members of the Marquart family when I lived in Baden, and attended Holy Cross, during the fifties and sixties.