This colonial revival style was popular in the area until the early 1950s.

The Blessed Virgin Mary carrying the Christ Child, derived from the statue traditionally placed by the Apostle Saint James the Greater in Spain.
The interior of the church is reserved in detail, but beautifully executed with fine material and workmanship.
The church is located next door to Chaminade College Preparatory School, named after the founder of the Marianists, William Joseph Chaminade, a priest who managed to survive the French Revolution.
Parish website: http://www.olpillar.com
401 S. Lindbergh Blvd.
Creve Coeur, MO 63131
My cousins live in OLP, and for some reason I didn't like that building when I was growing up. I was there the other day for a funeral, though, and I thought the church was beautiful. Tastes change! One thing that struck me is how prominent the statue of Mary behind the altar is. She's holding baby Jesus, of course, but she is the focus. Above her there's a demilune canopy and a crown. I can't think of another local church without a crucifix or dominant Christ motif at the main altar, can you?